Compulsory MicroChipping 2016

Mon, 22 Feb 2016

We had a great SPVS/VPMA Congress this year with lots of questions about the new legislation that will shortly be with us all.

It was encouraging to find that most people are aware of the new legislation and the changes which will affect veterinary practices.

It did seem that not everyone was aware that dogs will need to be MicroChipped by 8 weeks of age, or earlier if they are being transferred to a new keeper before that time.  Also, if being MicroChipped for a breeder, the MicroChip needs to be registered to them first, before transferring the registration to the new keeper.

AVID have a bespoke system which allows breeders to register and re-register the first transfer free of charge and a lot of practices we spoke to felt that this could be a useful point of difference when they were competing with other neighbouring practices for business from breeders.  Some practices also mentioned that they see this as becoming an increasing revenue stream for them.

If you would like to discuss the changes in the legislation at all, receive a free poster for your practice or look at switching your supply to us then please call freephone 0800 652 7 977 or visit

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